Avoidance of Risky Substances

It is well known that tobacco use and drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of many chronic diseases and death, which is why avoiding risky substances is so important. People who are ready can and do quit smoking; there are more former smokers in the world now than there are current smokers. Some treatments work for alcohol abuse, but treatments often take time, different approaches and many attempts. Giving yourself patience as well as getting support from others is an important part of reaching your goals.

Self-Management Tips


One standard alcoholic drink in US:

  • 12 oz beer
  • 5 oz table wine
  • 1.5 oz of 80-proof spirits
  • Typical Containers:
  • 750 mL wine = 5 drinks
  • 750 mL spirits = 18 drinks
  • 1 L spirits = 24 drinks

Good Stress/Bad Stress

SMART goals guide goal setting to help plan and achieve goals. Setting goals around substance use (tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs) is a great way to start making changes. An example of a goal is, “I will swap my morning cigarette with chewing gum at least 5 days this week for the next four weeks. I will ask my partner to help keep me on track and use the free texting service for more support.”

  • Specific – What are you going to do to decrease your substance use?
  • Measurable – How much will you reduce it by?
  • Achievable – Do you have what it takes to follow through?
  • Realistic – What can you actually do? (improvement over perfection)
  • Time-Bound – How frequent? How long will you commit?

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink, or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2drinks or less in a day for men or 1 drink or less in a day for women, on days when alcohol is consumed.


American College of life style medicine

National Quit Link: 1-800-Quit-Now

NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator

NAADAC Substance Abuse Professionals

National Association of Social Workers

Substance Abuse Treatment Locator

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Moderation Management

Secular Organizations for Sobriety

SMART Recovery

Women for Sobriety

Al-Anon Family Groups

Adult Children of Alcoholics

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